Mummy has told me that I really am too old for nappies now and that I really, really do need to start wearing pants. I wasn't very happy yesterday, and then Mummy was grumpy by bedtime. But today I showed her! I didn't have a single accident and I either asked or just went to the potty every time I need it. Mummy said she's never known anyone so full of poo and wee! I did so many! Mummy said if i can do this for three days in a row I can have the Playmobil dustbin lorry. I really do want that so very much! But I did say to Mummy that I don't want one with real rubbish in, only pretend rubbish.
Nana crotched us all a Pocoyo hat and Mummy said we had to do a photo so she could post it to Nana. It was so funny!